Sunday, September 11, 2011

Adobe Flash Professional CS5

In our group website, we had included flash player as introduction part. So basically I'm going to explain how we  work on it.

First of all, we create new document Actionscript 3.0 in order to make new video. 
This is timeline part we will use it to set the longer of the time.. At the same time, there is button to add new layers to add (either image,animation, video and etc)

Once enter the images into layers, we will proceed to modify parts in order to do some animation on images.

To enter text into the videos, we should follow this step : 

Final (Introduction part)

This is our final flash once upload into Website. Skip button has been included in order to skip the introduction parts. 

Friday, September 9, 2011


Here I would like to show how I did the template for my group website. 
There are few tools I used to make the template.

First of all, I choose the layout design for my group website. 
I choose the layout design after decide what are the information my group mates want to share in their pages.

I choose and edit all the banners in Photoshop for the each pages of my group website before I add them in respective pages. 
I add the banners by click the common button which is at right below the menu row and choose the image button.

Then I choose the banner which is I want to add in that specific page and click 'OK'.

I create all the buttons in Photoshop and add them in all pages. 
I use the same way I add the banner to my group website.
I create two type of buttons so that it wont be the same for the top buttons (information about the specific place) and the side buttons ( all the places at Penang)

(This button I use it in the top of the website in each of the page)
(This button I use it at the side of the website layout to choose the places at Penang)

After add all the the buttons in all the pages, the next part i did is link all the buttons to the respective pages.
Example: I choose the 'HISTORY' button and click the small folder beside the link button and the bottom        of the page.

This is how I link all the pages with the same way as i showed above.

After finished link all the pages, I did the last part which is the background.
I choose the background first before I add it in my group website.
Since my group website is Penang, I choose the background of sea view.
Then I go to the top right of the Dreamweaver page and  choose the CSS style part and choose 'colour' and go to 'background'.

(Choose the browse button and choose the background image that I choose) 

And this my final result of my group website..

And this is one of the page of the website....

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Final Day.... (3/9/11)

It was our final day to complete our group assignment. Unfortunately two of my group members didn't make it for the meeting. Banu couldn't make it since she went back to her hometown and can't get ticket to come back. She contacted me on Thurs (1/09) and let me knew about it. But she managed to send her parts. But i didn't received any responsed from kishen, only his parts without any individual parts. I hoped we will clarify about it as soon as possible. It's quite hard for us to work with only three members. Anyway it's going on well.. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Since we already came out with our group website template, so we are working on flash and Photoshop now.. By monday itself, we should be done with photoshop and fash in order to updated info and details on group website. Thanks to my group members for their full cooperation's..

Template for group website

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Discussion forum...

Normally our group discussion will be held in library foyer.. on our last meeting, we managed to finalized how our group website design going to be.. on Wednesday we are going to develop our group website.. Currently all of them are participating without any absence.. Thanks to them..

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Division of tasks

Currently we are working on our individual parts such as finding information and pictures. Once it has been done, we will start to develop our Group website and update information’s on it. I will keep on update on this blog as well as in our individual blogs. For time being, our division of tasks is:

Karthik Marapan        (Carpenters Guild)
Nurul Fasiha               (Town Hall)
Nadia Nadhirah          (Kapitan keling mosque)
Kishen Vighnesh         (Fort Cornwallis)
Banu Sadasivam         (Blue Mansion)